About the Journal

Founder / Publisher

Electronic scientific journal «International Journal. Sustainable Development: Science and Practice » is registered as a mass media in the Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Media, Communications and Cultural Heritage Protection. (EL FS77-51317 number of 14 September 2012).
The founders of the magazine are «Research School of Sustainable Development» (http: //www.ustoychivoerazvitie.rf)and the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Moscow region «International University of Nature, Society and Man» Dubna» (http://www.uni-dubna.ru).


Electronic scientific journal «International Journal. Sustainable Development: Science and Practice » is a periodic electronic scientific journal. The magazine is published twice a year and distributed freely through public global communications networks (the Internet). The magazine does not have a printed version. The main language of the journal is Russian, additional – the English one.The manuscripts in the journal are free. Access to the magazine is free of charge to users. The publication of the journal is printed hardly. Pre-citing materials are published in the journal link to the electronic scientific journal «International Journal. Sustainable Development: Science and Practice «, an obligatory distribution of materials published in the journal in full text form in any medium without permission of the author, and the International University of Nature, Society and Man» Dubna » is prohibited.
To learn more about publication policy, open access and publication ethics please refer to the Russian version of this page.